Coffee & Shopping

By Lucia Cepedal - 13:08

Coffee & Shopping fue creado para compartir con el mundo mi opinión sobre la moda, o mejor dicho, mi interpretación de la moda de acuerdo con mis gustos, mis recursos y las prendas de mi armario.
Aunque la materia principal esté relacionada con el Mundo de la Moda, escribiré sobre otros temas como belleza y cosmética, libros, vida sana y fitness...
Una nueva aventura que espero dure mientras sea posible.

Coffee & Shoping was created to share with you my view of fashion or maybe I should say my interpretation of fashion in accordance with my taste, my resources and the clothes in my wardrobe.
Although the main subject-matter will be related to the Fashion World, I will write about other topics like beauty related, books, health and fitness.
A new adventure that I hope it lasts as long as it's possible.

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